Monday, October 11, 2004

"We had already given her up and let her be dead in our hearts", Teen girl upgraded to "Alive" when wrecked car found 8 days later...

Found this CNN News Story today...

I don't know which quote bothers me more:

"There was no police search," [sheriff's Sgt. John Urquhart] added. "We felt she was most likely a runaway."

- or -

"'We had already given her up and let her be dead in our hearts' the girl's mother, Jean Hatch, told KOMO-TV."

I'd hate to think I could go missing for more than a week and that my family would begin to grieve and the local constabulary assume I'd "run off" when in reality I was literally lying in a ditch somewhere...

Cheers to the Volunteers who searched, and cheers to those who found.

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