Thursday, December 09, 2004
Support your local Sniper
If I wasn't angry at "the war" before (I was), this would have done it. The idea that a nation like ours could send our own into battle without the best equipment we can produce really pisses me off. Of course this comes right at the same time with the current flap over Rumsfeld's Q&A session in Iraq. (i.e. "Why are we digging in landfills for armor?" question, planted or not, is still a good question)
Maybe its because I grew up here in San Diego, or maybe I've just watched too many movies, but I feel like these are "my" Soldiers. Serving this country is a noble effort in itself, and every Squiddy, Jarhead, Airedale, or Grunt in uniform gets my respect, but I feel some sort of extra empathy for the Marines. Camp Pendleton is practically our backyard. MCAS Miramar IS my backyard, goddamnit. A big chunk of these guys learn their trade here. The idea of one of "our" Marine Scout/Snipers unable to do the job, or worse - in danger, because of a lack of equipment breaks my heart.
Needless to say, I'm making a contribution. I'll also see if I can send a letter of support along, maybe I'll get lucky and net a penpal or something.
Anyhow, they're a 5013C non-profit organization, so if you need a tax writeoff before the end of the year, look 'em up!
Monday, November 29, 2004
OK, So I'm a TV Addict
Kimberley and I both get so frustrated watching TV at someone else's house. Every time a commercial comes on, we both reach for the remote to try to fast forward past it... The other telltale sign of a TiVo user is that we don't usually know when anything is actually Aired on TV. Is Law & Order on Thursday nights? What time is Stargate on? Dunno, the TiVo takes care of it. So, we watch just the shows we like, and we never channel surf, or watch commercials.
But I'm defninitely an addict. And here's how I know:
I spent the better part of my Thanksgiving weekend (chunk of Saturday and all of Sunday) running conduit around the outside of my house to bring two new Satellite feeds and a phoneline into the "Media Niche" in the livingroom.
For those who don't know, Satellite requires an individual cable from each decoder box to the multiswitch, you can't split the signal like you can with cable. My house, like most, is pre-wired for Cable, which means a single line of Coax runs from each room back to the distribution point at the side of the house. Our DirecTiVo (a.k.a. "The Direct TV with TiVo Brand DVR") has two tuners built in, meaning that it can record two things at once IF you can feed it with two lines from the Satellite.
In a rare peek into TV programming schedules, I read on the TiVo Community Forum that "Alias" is moving to Wednesday nights, opposite "The West Wing". Well, now that's actually something we care about, since these are two of only a select few shows we watch that are actually in primetime on one of the big networks, which means no re-airings to allow a single-tuner TiVo to sort out the conflicts. (Wherever possible, TiVo will normally sort out conflicting airings of shows by selecting alternate airings. For most cable channels, this is a no-brainer since most shows air 3-4 times in a week, but that's not the case for "Network" stuff.)
So obviously we need to get the 2nd tuner up and running before Alias resumes in January! So that was the motivation. So I spent a day, with 4 trips to Home Depot, running conduit from the SE Corner of the house (Distribution point and Satellite dish) around to the North wall, plumbing it through into the interior wall, and wiring everything up.
The other motivation was that my Media Niche doesn't have a phone line. Currently the standalone TiVo there uses HomePlug bridges to connect to the rest of the LAN, and I'll continue to use those when we swap that TiVo upstairs. For reasons passing understanding, DirecTV hasn't enabled the networking capability of the DirecTiVo, therefore I need an actual phoneline. The current use of the HomePlug bridges prevent using the usual PhoneJack-over-powerline adaptors. But since I was already running two RG6 lines, adding a length of Cat3 phone cable only cost me another $5.94 in cable and a few more minutes of effort to hook it up.
As a career Electrical Engineer, I probably shouldn't be surprised when a newly wired phone jack or cable actually works, but there's always a little sense of elation when it does.
Since I had to pull all the equipment out of the niche to cut the drywall holes, etc., it was also an excellent opportunity to re-wire the rear surround speakers (absent since we installed hardwood floors last year) and rebuilt the wiring harnesses somewhat. (A few changes since the original wiring looms were made 4+ years ago.) I also finally got around to installing the UPS for the TiVo (now I can record right through a power outage, although the real reason is to protect the drive from power spikes and brownouts).
All in all, a VERY satisfying weekend spent on our home media architecture. All so we can watch better TV!
Still to come: The pre-existing (now unneeded) cable run in the media niche will be retasked to distribute signal back upstairs (so we can watch and control the downstairs TiVo output from the bedroom!) and also run an HCNA network! (HPNA over Coax, using some trick adaptors I scored a few months ago.) Read More...
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving!
Both meals were a treat, although completely different. (Kim's parents eschew almost all meat; except fowl, conveniently.) My Dad's spread was a meatlover's bonanza with a Rib-Roast, a Tenderloin, Ham, and, oh yeah, a small turkey. Kim looks forward to my step-mother's spaetzle all year long.
Lots to give thanks for this year, not the least of which is the safe delivery of my niece Megan.
(I still need to post an updated pic of her, don't I?)
Monday, November 22, 2004
All good things...
Sunday was the uneventful but pallatable drive back home.
My recommendation for anyone looking down the barrel of a long roadtrip: Books on Tape/CD.
This is the absolute best way to dispense with dozens of hours on the road. Even if its a book you've already read, or a movie you've already seen, just having a narrative you can pay a little attention to makes the drive so much easier. Its less troublesome than trying to find (and keep) a talk radio station, and lasts a lot longer. We first figured this out after buying an abridged recording of Jurassic Park coming back from Vegas one time. Despite the crushing holiday traffic, the drive just seemed easier somehow. Now we never take long roadtrips without something in the arsenal.
This trip was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which was selected as much for its great length (21 CDs) as for our love of the books. Jim Dale has read all of the Potter books thus far and he has a real talent. Its also a real joy to have the continuity of presentation from book to book. Cars put Kimberley to sleep, she normally can't even make a 2 1/2 hour drive to L.A. without dozing, but with the book she stayed with me through the 9+ hours to the Grand Canyon, the short hops in between, and the 7 or so hours from Phoenix back home!
I also highly recommend Tom Clancy's The Cardinal of the Kremlin as read by David Ogden Stiers. Its amazing how a book can come alive when read by a really talented actor. Clancy can be a little dry in the first third of any book as he sets up the characters and plotlines, but Stiers ability as an actor really translates to helping you establish characters in your mind. Cardinal is one of only two Jack Ryan-universe books that I haven't actually read in book form, and I may not read it myself, as I'm sure that experience would not eclipse Stiers' performance of it.
Back to the real world now!
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Just the Two of Us...
I thought I knew a lot about the history of the area, but we learned quite a bit, especially about the differences between the time period of this particular dwelling versus some of the later ones seen elsewhere. Its thought this dwelling was home to the Ancestral Hopi from ~1100AD to ~1380AD, before the majority of them moved further north to join the other Hopi people. Their lifestyle was quite different than the Yavapai who followed, which makes for an interesting contrast.
In any case, it was a blast. Our guide was great and we really got the royal treatment since it was just the two of us.
After that and a quick lunch, we headed to the former Ghost-Town turned artist's community of Jerome. Toured quite a few more galleries, saw a lot of nice stuff, and even got to watch a glassblower work for a little while. At the last gallery we hit on our way out, we found a beautiful etching done by a local artist. The piece is printed by first etching the design onto a steel plate, then the plate is inked and then paper is rolled onto it. Each time through the process results in a slightly different piece, since the inking, etc. are all done by hand. In any case, its a beautiful piece. The artist is Robin Anderson and his style is right in between Leonardo DaVinci and Picasso's pen/ink drawings. Fun! Here's another piece that's similar. Its funny, Kimberley and I have such different tastes in art, but actually buying art is really easy because for some reason we always seem to both immediately latch on to some pieces, and that's how we know the piece is right for us. Neither of us is sure why, because one or the other of us will pass on lots of similar pieces, but there's almost always that "one piece". We capped the evening off with a private dinner for two by Chef Michael. My main course was the Duck with Armangac and Figs, and Kimberley had the Shrimp and Asparagus Risotto. Michael used to own two restaurants in the Big Easy, and sold them both to come out to Sedona and open this place. Top notch food, to be sure, and he'll have a cookbook out sometime next year. Very cool. Needless to say, we'll be sad to be leaving on Friday. The Adobe Grand Villas are fantastic, even if we hadn't had the whole place to ourselves! What a romantic trip! Cheers!
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Things Beautiful...
Thursday morning we're taking one of the famous "Pink Jeep Tours" to a set of Ancient Ruins, that should be a ton of fun too. We've also decided to splurge and have dinner made for us by Chef Michael. We're really excited, the menu we selected from looked amazing. Anyhow, somewhere along this way this turned into a moment by moment narrative, which was never really how I envisioned this blog happening, but what the hell, I'm on vacation. Wish we could stay here forever, its really beautiful. All of it. Except maybe for the timeshare people....
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Things Grand...
After that, we had a beautiful lunch at the El Tovar hotel, and then on our way to Sedona. I'll just say that the drive and the vistas were exceptional. More photos to come when I've got more time. Cheers... Read More...
Friday, November 12, 2004
Phone Blogging...
Finally off work. Nothing seems to take as long as the last workday before a vacation...
Phone blogging needs to be short, so I guess I'll write more later. As small as my P1000 keyboard is, it's huge compared to this...
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
New Laptop...
Fujitsu Lifebook P1120
My original Pentium 133 Lifebook worked so well, for so long, that I really wanted to give Fujitsu a look when I was shopping for a new sub-notebook. When I found out about the P1000 series, it was love at first sight.
I wanted the smallest true-PC I could get my hands on. (i.e. it has to be able to run regular Windows software, not bastardized HPC or Palmtop stuff). The P1120 is 2.2 lbs, and roughly the size of a VHS tape. The keyboard is slightly smaller than other subnotebooks, but the genious of this machine is that the "Quickpoint" interface (the little Eraser-head pointer stick that everyone hates) is supplemented by the fact that the entire display is a touchscreen! Yep, with a stylus or your finger you can interact directly with the screen. I messed around with it for a few minutes at Frys before deciding that this was pretty friggen cool.
Due to previous experience with Frys, I'd never buy anything else from them, though. I was ready to purchase directly from Fujitsu when I found a forum dedicated to the P-series machines and found a bloke selling exactly what I wanted for several hundred less. The unit is still under factory warranty, and has two batteries, and all the fixin's.
The escrow transaction is in-process and it should be here in a couple of days! More info when it arrives! Read More...
Going on Vacation!
To make it special, I've planned a wonderful trip through Arizona, seeing all of the sights that Kimberley has never seen, and that I haven't seen since a child. We'll spend one night at the Grand Canyon, three nights in Sedona, and two nights in Phoenix visiting family.
Should be a fun and romantic trip, and I'm especially excited about the B&B I've booked for Sedona. We'll be in the "Tuscany Villa" at the Adobe Village Villas (
Is it just me or is "Adobe Village Villas" redundant? :)
Anyhow, I've ordered a new supersmall laptop to replace my ancient Fujitsu P133 Lifebook that I've had since college. I've long since learned the value of having really good maps on hand at all times, and the GPS tracking and route adjusting makes it all the better, especially since map-reading is not one of Kimberley's stronger skills.
Begin Rant...
The point I was going to make before I got distracted was that I'm going to try to Blog the whole journey, and post some pictures, if I can. Although that depends largely on how much success I have dialing in to an ISP and how frustrated I get at Dialup speeds. I haven't used anything but a Broadband connection to the Internet in more than 6 years...
Wish us luck, it should be a blast!
Monday, October 11, 2004
"We had already given her up and let her be dead in our hearts", Teen girl upgraded to "Alive" when wrecked car found 8 days later...
I don't know which quote bothers me more:
"There was no police search," [sheriff's Sgt. John Urquhart] added. "We felt she was most likely a runaway."
- or -
"'We had already given her up and let her be dead in our hearts' the girl's mother, Jean Hatch, told KOMO-TV."
I'd hate to think I could go missing for more than a week and that my family would begin to grieve and the local constabulary assume I'd "run off" when in reality I was literally lying in a ditch somewhere...
Cheers to the Volunteers who searched, and cheers to those who found. Read More...
Monday, September 13, 2004
More of Gibson's world...
His descriptions of place and person seem to vibrate with an energy that just thrills me. His view of Japan, its culture, and some of its unique "features" are as distinctly alien as any scifi ever laid out by Heinlein or Clarke.
Reading this article reminded me of reading Neuromancer and being really struck by the concept of a "coffin hotel" or "pod hotel", and how quintessentially "Japanese" it seemed. We'll just have to see if the UK is ready for something so very different.
I've often pointed people to Gibson's article My Own Private Tokyo as a short example of the "snappiness" and level of description in his writing.
While I'm sure "they way" he writes still has a lot to do with how I enjoy it, perhaps I just find the subject fascinating too. That's not to take away from his work, as a writer he makes the choice of locale just as with everything else, I'm just trying to get a better grip on what exactly I like about it. Maybe I'll find similar traits elsewhere? Lord knows Gibson's not prolific enough for my tastes... Read More...
Monday, August 30, 2004
Cats: 1, Herbie: 0
Or so I thought.
I was so worried about how Kim would fare, I didn't really consider my own circumstances. She took her Allegra, I didn't take anything. We arrived, we drank, we talked, laughed, and watched USC vs. Virginia Tech football. I kept asking her how she was feeling.
About the 3rd quarter, I notice I'm having a lot of trouble breathing. Like the full on wheezing, labored inhaling type of breathing. Like full-on allergic reaction breathing. Yikes. We finish our cocktails and try to make a polite exit, but by the time I hit the street I know this isn't going to go away 5 minutes after I'm out the door like it usually does when I'm only around cats for a few minutes. (This exposure was quite a bit longer.)
Swing by the grocery on the way to dinner and get some Benadryl and briefly consider the "Avoid Alcoholic Beverages" warning, weighing the consequences of mixing diphenhadramine and 3 rum & cokes versus the growing respiratory distress I was in, I decided to go for the pill. If "alcohol may intensify drowsiness" is the worst consequence, I'll take it if it means I can breathe. (The 3 M.D.'s in my family are probably going apeshit reading this...) Dinner at Aesop's Tables is (medically) unenventful, and we make it home and retire to bed (after carefully depositing all the clothes we wore in the garage...). Had a little more trouble breathing in the middle of the night, but nothing terrible.
Woke up Sunday morning to the WORST feeling set of lungs since I had Bronchitis as a kid. Spent a good portion of the day knocking the crap out of my lungs and feeling exactly as you'd expect when you're not processing oxygen through your lungs as efficiently as normal, all the while trying to car-shop with Kimberley, who refuses to acknowledge the current state of her 3rd Volvo 240. (Kimberley and Car Shopping is at the very least a blog entry of its own, if not the subject of scholarly essays on "Inability to Spend Money, Even When Required"). Ugh.
Well, I've recovered, but I've learned my lesson. I now consider myself more than "mildly allergic" to cats, which is my only allergy I'm aware of to acknowledge at all...
So score that one: Cats: 1, Herbie: 0.
Monday, August 16, 2004
The 100 SciFi Books You Must Read.
I was "relieved" to see that I've read like 25 of the "top 100 according to random guy". And several more are books I already own, sitting on the nightstand waiting for me to have time...
Glad to see some of my hard-SF favorites on the list, such as Joe Haldeman's excellent Forever War as well as the Cyberpunk's bible Neuromancer by William Gibson. Also refreshing to see a sense of humor in the list creator as Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is one of my all time favorite works of humor, loosely SF as it may be.
However any list like this is bound to generate the requisite list of "Stuff I thought Should Have Been on the List", so here are my entries for overlooked great SF:
- Oath of Fealty - Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls - Robert A. Heinlein
- Steel Beach - John Varley
- Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, & The Last Command - The Star Wars: "Thrawn Trilogy" - Timoth Zahn
- The Hammer of God - Arthur C. Clarke
- Everything by William Gibson that wasn't on the list, except possibly The Difference Engine, co-written with Bruce Sterling
- The remainder of the "Increasingly Inacurrately Named Hitchhiker's Trilogy" (in 5 books) from Douglas Adams.
Just a few suggestions... Some are more of an investment. Others, like the Heinlein stuff, can be read in a solid day spent on the beach or out of the rain.
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Elsie by Twilight

After spending so much time working on the wheels for Elsie (the Miata) this weekend, this image was a nice reminder of what the work was about: Cool summer evenings with the top down and Kimberley in the passenger seat.
Thanks also to Jeanette Driver and Tom Wood for photos of us with "Elsie" during this year's 10th Anniversary Twilight Run too:

(Sixth from the left in the front row)

(Seventh from the rear, the blurry Laguna Blue colored dot...)
It was another beautiful run this year, cool and clear skys (ever so important in a convertable).
The really amusing part of this run every year is that invariably, some poor schmuck gets stuck trying to turn onto or across one of the roads we're on, and has to wait for all 70 or 80 of us to come streaming by before he can make his turn... Read More...
Revenge of the BBS's
Little bit of dull pain in my right wrist if I move it wrong too. I'm hoping it will go away now that I've stopped scrubbing wheels.
I've occasionally had a little bit of soreness in my left wrist after upsetting some pieces for the Fireplace Toolset I'm making in my Blacksmithing Class. Something about swinging the big hammer at an awkward angle is tough on my hammer wrist, but its not something I do very much so I'm not too worried about long term damage, and it seems to have gone away once I stopped.
At least I'm almost done with the toolset. The four-post stand is done, the handles for the poker, shovel, tongs, and broom are done. I've drawn the taper for the "business end" of the poker, and now that I'm done upsetting the middle of the tongs I can punch the holes for the pivot. Finishing the shovel will be the last really hard job, I think. I'm going to split the end of the bar so I can make little vine "tendrils" that wrap around the shovel pan, it should complete the leafy/vine look I've got going on the handles.
I really should get some pics of this, I imagine its basically impossible to get what I'm talking about here unless you're a blacksmith... Read More...
Monday, August 09, 2004
The Miata Wheels Saga
Quick recap for the folks at home:
My 1994 Miata came from the previous owner with TSW Alpines installed, 15x7, 19.4lbs each. Ouch. Bad for the suspension, bad for accelleration.
So I notice that about 1/2 the time I go to the In-N-Out near our place that there's a ragged '92 Black & Tan Miata parked in the lot. And I do mean RAGGED. Dirty, tan top is sort of streaked with charcoal color, back window is GONE and the rear top bow is disconnected from the top with what looks like shower curtain rings hanging from it, probably from an earlier attempt to weatherproof the car with a shower curtain or something.
But it's got the OEM wheels on it... The '92 B&T was one of Mazda's earliest stabs a "Special Edition". Like the BRG and Yellow models, it got a little bit of special treatment. Most people seem to forget that it got the same forged BBS 14x6 wheels as the Red-interior '93 LE Edition... So while a '93 LE is usually owned by someone "in the know", those wheels usually go for like $600 a set. Why? Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, they weigh 8.9lbs...
Well, long-story-short, (too late), I left a note on the car, asking if the owner wanted to trade wheels with me. As I'd hoped, the owner is a broke-ass college student who wants the "bling" of bigger wheels. We meet, and after a little discussion we settle on a trade of my wheels, plus $80, plus I supply new lug nuts (since I need his, they're special to fit under the BBS center caps). So all told, I'm out $101.63 + my TSWs & Michelins that I probably would have been able to sell for MAYBE $200...
So there I am, looking at my Miata on jackstands, next to it a stack of the FILTHIEST Forged BBS wheels I've ever seen. To call them charcoal colored would imply a sort of gray color, when they were in fact, closer to the ACTUAL COLOR of Kingsford Charcoal Briquettes. I'm betting this kid NEVER washed his wheels.
So I go to town. I start out with a hose, bucket of soapy water, wheel brush, and an aerosol can of TurtleWax brand biodegradeable foaming wheel cleaner. After a half hour of scrubbing, I realize that the wheel brush just isn't getting into the dozens of little spaces (see the wheels on a '93 LE here )Switch to a toothbrush... still not much progress after an hour. Still the first wheel...
OK, "We're gonna need bigger guns". Head to autozone and find a stiff bristled "mag wheel brush" that will fit into the spaces after a little hand forming of the loop. Also pickup a spray bottle of EagleOne foaming wheel cleaner, this stuff comes in seperate formulations for Mag, Steel, and Aluminum/Painted wheels. The directions on the back advise "Use in an area that will allow for some evaporation of runoff".
Oh yeah.
No biogegradeable stuff here, this is better living through chemistry. Add another $20 or so to the total expense.
So I start back on the FIRST wheel with this stuff. The brush actually works, as does the chemical, but it still requires 20 seconds or so of scrubbing per "hole" section. This doesn't include the time to go after some dried spots of road tar with a stiffer brush and WD-40 (which normally removes road tar like a MoFo, BTW). Takes over an hour or so to complete an entire wheel, including scrubbing the face and the back of the wheel (easy, and since I've invested this much time, why not). Also spent some time cleaning the center caps, which were easier but required a terry cloth around the fingertip to get into the crannies.
After all that, I figure I don't want to go through this again real soon, so I took a tip from the forum and applied a spray wax to the wheels and rubbed it in. Supposedly this will help keep the brake dust from sticking and make everything clean up easier later. I hope so.
Anyway, after two days of working till dark on these wheels (admittedly with lots of interruptions), I didn't get the Miata back on the ground and the wheels torqued up until this morning before heading to work. A quick trip to the air pumps, and I was on the road.
So the total after this little trade:
- 1 Set TSW Alpines, 19.4 lbs each
- 1 Set Michelin XGVABCDEFG? tires, 195/55-15, so-so quality, 50% tread
- 1 Set new cheapo spline-drive lugnuts + tool, $21.63 from Goodwin Racing
- $80 cash
- $20-something for chemicals, brushes, and wax.
- 8 hours of my life spent sitting in my driveway...
- 1 Set BBS Forged Wheels, available only on '92 B&Ts and '93 LEs, 8.9lbs each (complete with centercaps, $65 each replacements from Mazda... ouch)
- 1 Set BBS-compatible shorty lugnuts, ($7 EACH replacement from Mazda!)
- 1 Set, completely SUCK-ASS tires:
- 3 Goldstar-Korea tires, 185/60-14, 80% tread
- 1 Pirelli something-or-other, 185/60-14, 50% tread
OK, so we finally got to the bad news. (this is getting rediculous.)
Yes, the good news is that you REALLY CAN feel when you drop TEN FRIGGEN POUNDS PER WHEEL. Unsprung weight benefits aside, the accelleration is more impressive now as well.
Unfortunately I'm having a hard time playing with the better response due to the COMPLETELY LAME tires this kid put on the wheels. My first instinct was to just get a new set of Toyo T1-S's before Kim got home, and I should have followed that, because now I'm driving around on quite possibly the worst tires ever made. On a basic 20mph corner coming into work they're HOWLING like I'm at turn 4 at Big Willow...
Stay tuned for the continuing saga of "Elsie the Frankenstein Miata". I bought an '01 Tan/Glass top on Ebay, and the same Broke-ass college student wants to buy my OEM top....
What the hell am I supposed to do again?
Turns out, I guess I do. It never occurred to me that a site I visit all the time, is actually a "blog". But most seem to consider it that.
OK, if everyone says so.
Well, welcome, at any rate. I've no idea what format this will take as things proceed, but I'm guessing that a good chunk of it will just be a replacement (or copy of) the lengthy emails I write to my friends on the various mundane adventures in my life...